“Information Technology”

“Information Technology by definition is the use of mainly computer and telecommunication for storing, retrieving and sending information. It is done often in the context of business or other enterprises. It comes in the form of programs, web developing, computer system, artificial intelligence, IT security and network engineering which all serves the purpose of distributing data and information”.

Information technology is the third world threat, after pollution and climate change, on the face of earth. According to Charles Percy, “technology is a queer thing; it brings you great gifts with one hand and it stabs you in the back with the other.”

After the initiation of technological process in 20th century, social, political, economic, religious, educational and healthcare aspects have felt the influence of information technology both in positive and negative ways which call for certain remedial measures which we discuss one by one in the following paragraphs such as:

The positive social aspect of information technology is that it is time saver. It is helpful in for law enforcing agencies in tracing out the criminals, terrorists and miscreants with the help of Geographic Information System (GIS) and Global Positioning System (GPS) technology. It is instrumental in imparting social justice through e-court system.

The positive political aspect of information technology is that it is helpful in the administration of various sectors. Good governance is possible only through E-Governance with the help of technology the government generates revenue i-e in the form of taxes, registration fees, stamp duties, and court fees on the one hand whereas it utilizes these funds appropriately and more efficiently in the relevant fields only with the help of technology.

The positive economic aspect of information technology is that it has made every enterprise a digital world. Everything is automated now. All but every sector whether it is stock exchange, banking system, automation system, agriculture system, school system, manufacturing system or any other economic contributor , all are destitute to information technology.

The positive religious aspect of information technology is that —————————————

The positive educational aspect of information technology is that———————————–

Information technology has also a great deal of importance in healthcare sector——————

The positive scientific aspect of information technology is that it has made the masses aware of environmental degradation and its possible solutions. In the field of Astronomy and Meteorology, it has brought about praiseworthy achievements. Robots and artificial intelligence are the outcome of informational technology. Sophisticated weapons for strong defense system are also the end-product of information technology.

Besides the above mentioned positive aspects, information technology also has some negative aspects which call for some remedial measure. The negative aspects can be explained as under:

The negative social aspect of information technology is that—————————————-

The negative political aspect of IT is that the digital world has made the masses and states so powerful as the nuclear states can cast havoc to the viral state with the single click of technology. This fact has made the whole world war-prone.

The negative economic impact of information technology is that———————————–

The negative religious impact of information technology is that it has made the religious fanaticism very peaceful. They use information Technology for purchasing explosive substance, making Improvised Explosive Devices (IED‟S) and other sophisticated weapons and substance which they

Prepared by Miss Aqsa Imtiaz (CSS & PMS 2020 Qualified)