Eating barley porridge is very beneficial and it is also an excellent breakfast but some people do not like to eat it, so today we will tell you how to make barley water, by drinking it you can get many benefits of barley. .

How to make barley water with more calcium than milk

How to make barley water with more calcium than milk

Method of making barley water

Dr. Bilquis, explaining the method of making barley water, said that take a quarter of a cup of barley and put it in 2 glasses of water and boil it. Add 2 black pepper to it and add a pinch of turmeric and a pinch of red pepper and cook till only one glass of water is left. Strain and drink it.

Benefits of drinking barley water

Barley water is useful in kidney and bladder diseases. By drinking it, kidney stones are broken and excreted

Barley water is rich in fiber, due to which drinking it makes one feel full and does not feel hungry. On the other hand, its ingredients melt belly fat.

Barley water contains anti-inflammatory components, due to which drinking it and washing the face clears blemishes from the skin.

Barley water is rich in iron, copper and vitamin B12, due to which it plays an important role in blood formation and purification.

According to experts, barley contains 11 times more calcium than milk, which makes it beneficial for teeth and bones.