How to Prepare for Nums Entry Test Online in 2023

How to Prepare for Nums Entry Test Online in 2023

Medical Schools Consider the greatest private colleges affiliated with nums. The Pakistan Army is in charge of the reason. For admission to these medical schools, you must score well on the nums entry test 2023. In this article, I will walk you through the process of preparing for the nums test.

Everyone is aware that being an army doctor enthusiast and working day and night for it is a real struggle. If you have a strong desire to become an army doctor and wish to study at an army medical college, this is the place for you.

Online NUMS Entry Test Preparation

The NUMS entry test is the first and most important step for admission to NUMS-affiliated universities.

NUMS is the most prominent institute in the country, and as such, it has one of the most difficult admissions requirements. Every year, the National Testing Service (NTS) administers this exam, which students must pass in order to get admission to their preferred medical school.

Every year, around 30,000 students take the exam. The NUMS admission exam is a multiple-choice test worth 180 points. The number of seats varies, although it is normally between 110 and 120. Half of the seats are reserved for normal candidates, with the remainder reserved for paying candidates.

How to Prepare for the NUMS MDCAT Online

Test Book for Numbers Preparation Which is only available online is ideal for planning. The toppers all endorse this book. Furthermore, this is superior to online learning.

There are numerous online tutors available to assist students in achieving their entry exam goals. Students will benefit greatly from seeking assistance from online education providers.

Furthermore, there are numerous online preparation materials available on various websites that can aid with MDCAT preparation. Candidates can also benefit from solved papers, which are available on numerous websites.

Students can also visit several test preparation websites to review former NUMS tests to acquire a better picture of the test. Students can further sharpen their skills by taking online examinations, which are offered by several websites prior to the exam.

Practicing questions from the NUMS booklet will help you prepare greatly. Video lectures are an increased source of online NUMS MDCAT preparation.

NUMS Exam Pattern

The NUMS admission exam consists of 180 multiple-choice questions, each worth one mark. The exam is divided into four sections: biology, chemistry, physics, and English. The NUMS entry test has a total time limit of 3 hours.

  • Physics: 45
  • Biology: 70
  • English: 20
  • Chemistry: 45

Criteria for Selection in Army Medical College

  • Fsc: 50%
  • Entry test: 50%

Eligibility Criteria for NUMS

  • Students who have secured 70% marks in F.Sc.
  • Students with 70% marks in Matric.
  • O/A level students who are holding an IBBC certificate.
  • Students waiting for results can also apply.

Preparation Books for NUMS

Here is the list of  Nums test preparation books.

  • Entry Test Booklet For NUMS
  • Textbooks of F.Sc and Matric
  • MDCAT preparation Score Improvement Test System by Dogar Brothers
  • High Scoring AMC Package (With Online Module) by Dogar Brothers
  • Past Solved NUMS Papers
  • National Foundation Books