Patriotism essay for class 12 pdf

Patriotism essay for class 12 pdf


“Breathes there the man with soul so dead”
Who never to himself has said:
“This my own my native land”
(Sir Walter Scott)
Patriotism is a sacred passion. Everyone loves the land where one is born and
brought up. Patriotism is a frame of mind in which one loves one’s country and is
proud of it. It is a vigorous feeling of love, loyalty and support for one’s county
especially in defense against its enemies. It means that one should give more value
and importance to one’s country than to one’s own self. It makes one bound for
certain responsibilities, and these responsibilities are ideological commitment and
dedication to the welfare and prosperity of one’s country.
Man is a social animal. It is hard for him to breathe in isolation. Contact with
his fellow beings is inevitable for the development of civilization. Patriotism creates
unity among the people for a noble cause and trains them to sacrifice for the
“Soldiers die not in hatred but in love.”
Birds fly towards their nests, children rush to take refuge in the lap of their
mothers and human beings move towards their homes for peace and shelter, and
so is our country. That gives us protection and peace. It is a sort of heaven for us.
We should try our best to make it beautiful, secure, strong and peaceful. Our
existence definitely depends on the existence and survival of our dear homeland.
We can do so if we have an ultimate faith in our country. We must not undermine
our relationship and association which we have with our homeland by birth.
“Patriotism is one of great emotional expression that marked modern history.”
Love is a natural human passion and so is patriotism. Patriotism is the love
of one’s country. It includes attachment to the Country’s land and people, respect
for its customs and traditions, pride in its history, and devotion to its welfare. So,
patriotism is a praiseworthy quality. Patriotism is always called a superior quality
with a person. The patriots always sacrifice their lives for the good of their
countries. This spirit of sacrifice has made patriotism a highly noble feature.
“Where there is no Patriotism, there will be no public service.”
Patriotism is a virtue that converts a mob into nation. Nations rise and
prosper if their individuals are united by a cord of love, sympathy and sincerity.
People learn to honour the freedom and independence of their country. They learn
that they can prosper and progress if they have a deep natural relation with their
Patriotism is very useful in the interest of the country and the nation. The
nation is strongly built upon the sacrifices of the patriots. The patriots give their
money, time, energy and lives for the good of the country. A patriot wants that his
country should be great and prosperous. He wants that his country should be ideal
in every field. So, patriotism makes the people love and think of their country.
“Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all other countries
because you were born in it.”
A patriot always keeps a fine image of his country before the world. A patriot
never does anything to disgrace his country in the eyes of others. He never lets
down his country. A true patriot is always ready to serve and protect his country.
Patriotism must come into action every day against corrupt people, exploitation,
cheating on tax, paying bribes and crushing the poor. This will develop a sense of
security and trust among the public.
A patriot is ever ready to lay down his life for his country. Patriotism calls for
all sacrifices, no matter how great. In deed freedom is theirs who have will and
spirit to preserve it. This spirit is patriotism. All the great freedom fighters were
inspired and are being inspired with patriotism or love for their country.
I am thankful to Allah that my heart is also full of love for my dear Pakistan.
My body and soul belong to it. My forefathers have been emotionally attached to
it. My country has given me a lot. The love for my country is so strong in me that I
find it difficult to narrate the reasons. I love Pakistan because it is my country. It
has given me my identity. On its land, I learned to crawl and walk. Its towns and
villages have given me facilities and pleasure. Its institutions have given me
I love Pakistan because it was established in the name of Islam. I love
Pakistan because our elder generation has offered sacrifices to achieve it. I love
Pakistan because its people are loving and caring. No doubt, they speak different
languages and have different cultures, but they are one nation. Wherever they are,
their hearts beat with one rhythm.
Sometimes I feel sorry for Pakistan because its internal and external enemies
are numerous. They are making every effort to destroy it. It is my aim to defend my
country to the last drop of my blood. I will always keep its flag up, InshaAllah.
I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.
In a country like Pakistan, torn with regionalism and sectarianism, patriotism
is all the more necessary. Unless we rise above the narrowness of caste, creed, sect
and ethnicity; and are united under Islamic brotherhood, we cannot preserve our
hard-won freedom. Islam is the unifying force for Pakistani patriotism. Its teachings
and laws, and their implementation can make us put our hearts together.
Love works wonders. Miracles are not beyond us if we are fired with the
passion of patriotism. Patriotism fills us with a magnetic force which overcomes all
our petty differences of languages and creeds.
“Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That’s why it’s the comfort to go
hand in hand”
Our disciplined armed forces, hardworking and skillful craftsmen, diligent
and committed women, and ambitious students have only one aim and that is to
serve Pakistan. They believe that their personal achievement will benefit not only
themselves but also their country. They want to raise the flag of Pakistan higher
and higher because they have a strong sense of patriotism.
The only way to serve Pakistan is that we must be sincere with our country.
Country is not just a piece of land. It is not only the collection of mountains, rivers
and valleys. It is the heritage of our dreams, aspirations, culture, traditions and our
great religion. We love Pakistan because it is the centre of our hopes and future
dreams. It is the land of our following generation. We must try to make it strong
and undefeatable castle of Islam.
Patriotism is a great virtue and a holy passion. It is our duty to keep this
passion alive in our hearts. Patriotism is the best foundation-stone for the welfare,
the prosperity and safety.
“Patriotism is the steady dedication of a life time.”
Long Live Pakistan

Patriotism essay for class 12 pdf