How to use ajwain for weight loss in 15 days? 

Prepare ajwain water by soaking two teaspoons of ajwain seeds in a glass of water overnight. Boil the water with the seeds in the morning and let it cool. Drink this concoction on an empty stomach daily to aid digestion and potentially boost metabolism 

Ajwain Water

image: social media

Brew ajwain seeds in hot water to make ajwain tea. Drink this tea once or twice a day, preferably before or after meals, to help with digestion and reduce bloating. 

Ajwain Tea

image: social media

Mix half a teaspoon of crushed ajwain seeds with one teaspoon of honey. Consume this mixture before breakfast daily to potentially control appetite and support weight loss efforts. 

Ajwain and Honey

image: social media

Grind ajwain seeds to make a powder. Mix a pinch of ajwain powder with warm water and drink it before meals to help with digestion and prevent overeating. 

Ajwain Powder

image: social media

Add a few ajwain seeds to a bottle of water and let it infuse overnight. Drink this infused water throughout the day to stay hydrated and potentially aid in digestion. 

Ajwain Infused Wate

image: social media

Mix a teaspoon of ajwain seeds with a glass of warm water and add the juice of half a lemon. Drink this mixture in the morning to detoxify and potentially boost metabolism. 

Ajwain with Lemon Water

image: social media

Sprinkle crushed ajwain seeds over salads or use them as a part of the dressing. This can add flavor to your meals while potentially aiding digestion. 

Ajwain Salad Dressing

image: social media

Rosemary oil may increase blood circulation to the scalp, stimulating hair growth. 

Ajwain Soup

image: social media

Remember that ajwain alone won't lead to significant weight loss. Combine its usage with a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Also, engage in regular physical activity, such as walking, jogging, or any other form of exercise, to support your weight loss goals. 

Balanced Diet and Exercise

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